Tuesday, February 28, 2012

DLSU College Batch67

Last week, Ramon Mojica of Batch67 had batchmates and friends for dinner in his house. Actually it was the birthday of Ramon’s son and so he took the opportunity to have friends over as well. About half a dozen La Sallites attended the party. Ramon just wanted to get together and do a little jammin’! The delicious dinner fare in the party is vintage Ramon menu complete with lechon and endless liquor flow. After the meal, the La Salle guys gravitated towards the pool table where the sound system was. With his electric guitar (and Ventures and Shadows M1s), Ben Umali provided memorable 60’s instrumental rock fare to the crowd.

Ramon said he had extended his invitation to many Batch63 guys (who were also Batch68) but only Eboy Cosme and Oni Mayo came. Batch67 is a happy group and would have liked to present something in the homecoming on March 3. According to Ben, they had wanted to support Joey Estagle’s Elvis act but they were not able to come together to practice. Maybe it’s not too late.

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