Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Manolo Cristobal RIP

Manolo Cristobal is a Batch63 original. We knew him well from grade school. A few days ago, he succumbed to pneumonia. He is interred in the Perpetual Help University chapel and will be buried on Wednesday. He is survived by his wife and 5 daughters. The cute little girl in the photo is Ana, Manolo's youngest. 

Ed Oleta and wife Chit are neighbors to Manolo in the residential area of the large Perpetual Help University complex in Binan Laguna. They live there since Manolo and Chit's family own the university (with its many branches particularly in South Luzon). Ed who is battling the big C himself was surprised about what happened to Manolo. Clearly, August is not a good month for Ed and Manolo. Ed himself also had pneumonia at the same time as Manolo. But he was able to recover. Manolo did not. 

Admittedly, Manolo Cristobal is more of a loner and was not regular in attending Batch63 affairs. But the times that he did, he was a Batch63 jolly good fellow who appreciated the Batch's repetitive jokes. Goodbye friend. We will miss you and think of you. Condolence to the Cristobal family. 


See slide show for more photos.

leonmayo1's Manolo Cristobal RIP album on Photobucket

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