Monday, January 28, 2013

Start-of-the-year Celebration

The Batch63 January birthday celebrants are Ed Oleta, Tony Estonina, Mandy Ilustre, Oni Mayo and Mon Arnaiz. As per tradition, birthday celebrants host a Kapihan event for the whole Batch. Ed, Tony, Mandy and Oni were there at Polo Club to greet their January Kapihan guests. Busy businessman Mon Arnaiz didn’t make it but he promised to send his contribution to Vince Misa (founder of the Grand Kapihan series). 

The Batch63 guys who came to the party were: Vic Romero, Joe Assad, Joey Angeles, Ed Lim, Doug Marcaida, Boy Palanca, Jackie Arellano, George Cunanan, Francis Horn, Gabby Valdez, Gary Salcedo, Steve Hontiveros, Raffy Villarreal, Poldy Arnaiz, Tonichi Grey, Quito Moras, Boy Carlos, Chito de Vera, Joey Estagle, Bert Saenz, Joey Ingles and Vince Misa. 

The proximity of the Homecoming day festivities (where many balikbayans are expected) created a lot of passion about La Salle from among the Batch. Chito de Vera began by taking center stage and making a pitch for the term La Sallite (instead of La Sallian). This brought about other issues such as using DLSC (De La Salle College) for our logo instead of the official DLSU. Douglas Marcaida (who is expected to bring his motorcycle as a prop for Homecoming day) talked about his biking adventures in the Ironman event. Many were concerned about the Jubilee shirts to be ordered for the Homecoming.  Already, there have been several requests regarding a change in the size of the shirt that they had given before.

Golden Jubilee 
Since the Homecoming fervor was already there, the Batch63 GJMC (Golden Jubilee Management Committee) held an impromptu caucus after the breakfast. The committee would like to announce that as of today, 43 souls have paid their Jubilee dues (P4K) to the GJMC and thus are expected to show up for the Homecoming affair on March 2. Apart from the Jubilee dues, the other sources of funds for the logistical requirement of the GJMC are: 

• Special contribution from 6 selected Batch63 principals. This campaign was facilitated by 
   Gabby Valdez, and 
• The transfer of the Fun Fund to the GJMC. The Fun Fund is the surplus moneys from the Story of Us project and which was held in trust by Bert Saenz.

As everyone knows, the Jubilee celebration consists of many fun activities before and after the actual March 2 homecoming itself. Due to many requests for the final schedule of these activities, the major Batch63 activities are: 

Batch63 Jubilee Week

Feb 24 Sunday / Bienvenida Dinner Party at Pergola (Roxas Blvd) 
This is the time to renew old ties. Wives / partners are invited (your P4K dues payment entitles you to bring one wife / partner). There will be a show – The Stars of Yesteryears Part 2 show that will feature musical numbers from Batch63 rockers and crooners complete with costume. We guarantee that everyone will enjoy this extravaganza. 

Enjoy the Filipino dinner, Karaoke open mic set and all-night dancing afterwards. There will be DIs to make everyone look good on the dance floor. The tee shirts and chaleco (part of the package for your P4K dues) will also be distributed to the batch members at this time. These garments are what we will use for the Taft assembly on March 2. 

Feb 27 Wednesday / Feb Grand Kapihan at Manila Polo Club 
The Grand Kapihan will fete the February birthday celebrants. Enjoy the free breakfast at Cameron Forbes Polo Club courtesy of Vince Misa’s selected celebrants. This Feb Kapihan should be the mother of Kapihans – a whole bunch of Batch63 expats will be there to mix it up with the local guys. Watch out for Jackie’s traditional Kapihan reminder text in both English and Royal Spanish language. The English will be for the benefit of the US guys and the Royal Spanish will be mainly for genuine and would-be Batch63 Conyos.

Feb 28 Thursday / Golf-all-day at Canlubang Golf 
The participating swingers (literally) will be Batch63 guys - local-based guys and guys from the US. The US guys are coming from their successful La Sallian Boys tournament (September Las Vegas) and are eager to show off their wares including fashionable equipment and attire. The local boys are however fully confident of their golfing skills. Not only are they playing on home ground but they live the Pinoy lifestyle where year-round golf is possible. Gabby Valdez and Gary Salcedo will be hosting the lunch at the golf club for the participants. I understand that there will be prices galore for the low scorers. 

Mar 1 Friday / Day of Reflection at Christ the King Parish Hall in Greenmeadows, QC 
This will be an assembly organized for Batch63 guys who would like to express their gratitude for having been part of DLS education. It’s true that all the blessings we have received in this life are due in large part to the training we got from DLS. We like to think that La Salle not only technically equipped us but also spiritually. The event will be an exclusively Batch63 affair featuring inspirational talks, sharing moments, group singing and fellowship bonding. Those who are slated to attend are Batch63 religious, Batch63 active parish officials and including known sinners of the batch. 

Mar 2 Saturday / DLSAA Homecoming day at the DLS old Taft campus. 
And then THIS IS IT! The day! The celebrating Batch for this homecoming year includes Golden Batch63 (50 years since high school). This means that Batch63 will have a special presentation on stage in front of the entire alumni body and officials of the school. The Batch stage show will consist of a script in three entertaining parts. This script was put together by the GJ core group and has been approved in principle by the DLSAA director for the event. There will be rehearsals that will be called for this when the balikbayan boys are in town. At this point, the Batch63 Memorial Video will be given out to the boys. The Video handout is part of the P4K dues package and which is the handiwork of Bambi Goco and Ned Bulatao. 

Mar 4 Tuesday / Despedia Evening Cocktails at Pergola (Roxas Blvd). 
After Homecoming day many will be heading back to their countries and provinces. The despedida affair is where the Batch guys will wish each other good luck and Bon Voyage. For sure, new ideas for future activities of this indefatigable Batch will crop up. Featured for the night will be the things that appeal most to the Batch – dining, drinking, music and . . we’ll leave it at that. Spouses are invited to this affair as well, you know. Till we meet again! 

See slide show for more photos.

leonmayo1's Start-of-the-year Celebration album on Photobucket